that was amazing!
that was amazing!
that was amazing,dude!
re-make of my cool submission from yesterday!
don't submit something similar one day after i made it.
cool man!
that was cool!
really bad!
this is under-rated! It deserves more than 4.00
too easy
and too simple
I have to say that the graphics were good, but the script wasn't very good. I have made a breakout game(look at my profile, it is 'the ultimate game') too. In the real breakout/arkanoid, if the ball hits the left side of the pannel, it flys to the left and if it hits the right side of the pannel, it flys to the right. I made it in my breakout game and i got 0.4 points more than you even if my graphics were crap. And you need sound. I once made a game and submitted it without sound. it was blammed with a score of 1.24/5.00 . Then I re-submitted it with sound and it got a score of 1.92/5.00 .
nice but too short
the 3d-illusions were good, but it was too easy and too short.
U got 2 vote 5 on my stuff.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 2/23/05